By-law regarding open fires


The arrival of the summer season usually comes with a strong desire to spend time outside around an open fire with friends or cleaning our property by burning excess wood.

Here are some reminders that will allow you to decide if it is the right time to set an open, outdoor fire safely:

  1. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to light an open fire to know the fire danger index by consulting with the “Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU)” before proceeding. If the index is high, very high or extreme, it is forbidden to light a fire. The fire index is available on the municipality’s home page and is easily accessible on the internet or by phone at 418 871-3341 (select option 2). In addition, the responsibility for monitoring, controlling and extinguishing the fire rests with the person who has lit the fire and the owner of the property.
  2. It is forbidden to light an open fire when the wind speed exceeds twenty-five kilometers/hour (25 km / h).
  3. It is forbidden to burn any waste, rubbish, accelerant, rubber-based products or any other similar materials.

Finally, necessary steps must be taken to ensure that your outdoor fire is set in such a way as to respect your neighbors and the environment.

For any fire related question, please contact Mr. Alain Charbonneau, Director of the Fire Department at or 450-438-2958, ext. 2603.

Please note that fireworks are prohibited within the territory of Mille-Isles.