Through a collaborative project between the Municipality of Mille-Isles, the Township of Gore and the Centre d’Entraide d’Argenteuil, it is now possible for Mille-Isles residents to receive food assistance locally, at the Community Center in Gore. This counter makes it possible for Mille-Isles residents to avoid going to Lachute to pick up food.
Distribution takes place every second Thursday between 1:45 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. at Trinity hall, 2 Cambria road in Gore. You will need to register at the following number: 450 562-5151 ext. 101.
At the time of the distribution, you must have two valid pieces of identification along with proof of residence and proof of income (T4 or welfare cheque). You will not be eligible if you do not provide the requested ID. Please do not forget to bring reusable grocery bags.