REMINDER: Standardization of containers before January 1, 2018

Trash and recycling bins will be standardized throughout the territory of the Municipality of Mille-Isles as of January 1, 2018.

Containers will need to correspond to the description below by January 1, 2018 all other colors of bins will not be picked up:

Trash bin

Description:  With wheels and handles.

Volume: 240 litres or 360 litres.


Bins can be purchased at retail stores or can be ordered at the Municipality. Please leave your contact information with Ms. Chrystine Slight at (450) 438-2958 ext. 2600 should you choose to purchase a bin through the municipality. The cost is $105 taxes included.

Recycling bin

Description: With wheels and handles.

Volume: 360 litres

Color: BLUE

These bins can also be purchased at retail stores or at the municipality. The cost of the bin, if ordered with the municipality, is $105, taxes included, for a 360 liter bin with an additional $15 delivery charge.

Garbage collection calendar (effective since January 1, 2017):

For each collection, bins must be placed on the side of the road no earlier than 5 p.m. the day before the scheduled collection. They must be removed before midnight on collection day.

The bins must be placed on the curb with the handles and wheels facing the property.

Bulky item collection (effective since January 1, 2017)

The collection of bulky items will take place once every month, on the same day as the first garbage collection of each month. Bulky items are items that are too large for the garbage bin and that are not recyclable.

Why these changes?

It has been proven that the standardization of waste and recycling bins reduce pollution resulting from the collection (less mess before and after pick-up). Also, it promotes good sorting habits, encourages residential composting and limits the amount of general waste. It’s up to all of us to respect these rules and ensure better results when it comes to waste management. Everyone wins! The less waste that is buried, the more money is saved! In 2017, the municipality received $16 014 from RecycQuébec for its good waste management practices. We all save when each of us acts responsibly!