Composting during winter is possible. If your composter is far in your backyard, you can install a covered container near the house to easily accommodate organic materials. Cold temperatures slow down the microbiological activity of your compost but the decomposition process will resume in warmer weather. In the spring, add carbon-rich materials such as dead leaves to your mix to achieve the carbon / nitrogen balance that will promote effective micro-organisms.


Also, we remind you that the municipality installed three compost containers on its territory in which you can dispose of organic material. Here is the location of the three bins:

  • Mille-Isles Road near Route 329
  • Camp Tamaracouta located at 499, Tamaracouta Road
  • Town hall

These containers should be used to discard any organic material that you cannot put in your home composter (meat, bone, dairy products, etc.) as well as for your plants, leaves and grass waste. These containers are there for you and to developp good waste management practices. We encourage you to use them!