Dog control

In an effort to reinforce animal control on the territory as well as to ensure the safety of people, dog owners are required to respect municipal by-law 2015-03 on animal control and to register their dog with the Municipality. The tag is free and valid for the life of the dog. However, for any replacement, a $5 fee will be charged to replace it.

To register your dog, you must complete the Dog tag registration form and send it by mail to Chrystine Slight, administrative technician at 1262 Mille-Isles Road, Mille-Isles (Quebec) J0R 1A0, by email at or by fax at 450-438-6157. The tag will be sent to you by mail.

If you lose your dog, find or see a stray dog, you must contact the Patrouille Canine A. Roy at 1-800-950-4280 or by email at

Monthly reports 2025

Monthly reports 2023

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.

Monthly reports 2022

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.

Monthly reports 2021

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.