Waste sorting is very important. You can contribute to it by taking concrete actions: reducing waste at source, reusing, recycling and recovering materials in order to reduce the amount of garbage. Your collaboration makes a difference. Be informed of your Municipality’s upcoming collections:
What should you do if you suspect that the collection truck has not passed your address?
Confirm the date and type of collection on your calendar, i.e. waste, recycling or bulky items;
Check to see if the collection truck has passed on your side of the street;
Judge whether you have complied with the following rules:
a. Were there any rejected materials in your waste?
b. Was your bin placed at the road in time?
c. Does your bin meet the regulatory dimensions?
Garbage bin Description: wheeled with handles | Recycling bin Description: wheeled with handles |
4. If you believe you have complied with all these rules, please contact Mrs. Chrystine Slight at 450-438-2958, Ext. 2600 or by email at cslight@mille-isles.ca to have the situation corrected.
Collection of bulky objects
A collection service of bulky items is offered once a month as indicated on the collection calendar. Please note that a bulky item is an item that is too large to fit in a garbage can. It is important that bulky materials meet certain criteria:
- The materials must be handled by a maximum of two (2) people;
- Sharp or dangerous materials must be secured;
- Items must be tied in bundles of no more than one (1) meter in length to prevent scattering and to facilitate pick-up.
In addition, it is important to pay special attention to certain bulky objects:
- Refrigerators, air conditioners or any item with a halocarbon tank are not collected and must be dropped off at the Good Neighbours Ecocentre;
- Large accessories (e.g. swing, children’s slide, picnic table, etc.) must be dismantled;
- Only mattresses with a maximum dimension of 1.82 m (6 feet) are accepted;
- Christmas trees should be composted instead. However, if this method is impossible for you, it will be picked up when bulky items are collected;
- Dead leaves are not picked up during garbage and bulky items collections. However, the Municipality of Mille-Isles offers an alternative to help you dispose of your dead leaves. We invite you to browse through the dead leaves section of the Municipality’s website;
- The collection of bulky items does not allow for the reuse of objects such as furniture. If the bulky objects you wish to dispose of are still usable, they must be sent to the Good Neighbours Ecocentre.
What goes in the blue bin:
NEW 2025 All containers, packaging and printed matter.
In addition, here are some good practices to use for good recycling:
- Containers do not need to be rinsed thoroughly before recycling, as this wastes water. A light rinse that limits odours is sufficient;
- Separate the caps from the containers;
Find out more – Visit the BAC IMPACT website (French only)
Where to get a recycling bin:
NEW – The recycling bin will be provided/replaced free of charge when the Quebec recycling reform comes into effect on January 1, 2025. To request one, please contact Chrystine Slight at cslight@mille-isles.ca or at 450 438-2958 ext. 2600.
Garbage and recycling containers have been standardized throughout the Municipality of Mille-Isles since January 1, 2018. Your receptacle must match the following description or they will not be picked up:
Recycling bin
Description: wheeled with handles
Volume: 360 litres
Color: BLUE
Home composting
1. Choose the composter:
There is not really a composter that is ideal for everyone. However, the home composter allows citizens to compost their kitchen and garden waste on their own property. There are several models and each one offers different advantages.
2. Recognize compostable materials:
To make good compost, it is not enough to just put any organic material in a container. Compostable products are organic residues destined for the garbage that are divided into two main categories: green materials (rich in nitrogen) and brown materials (rich in carbon). The correct ratio is 1/3 green and wet materials and 2/3 brown and dry materials.
Green and wet materials ACCEPTED for home composting:
- Fruits and vegetables;
- Pasta and rice (without fat or sauce);
- Coffee grounds, tea bags;
- Crushed eggshells.
Brown and dry materials ACCEPTED for home composting:
- Dried plants;
- Dead leaves;
- Straw.
Food waste REFUSED for home composting:
- Meat and bones;
- Fish and shellfish leftovers;
- Nuts and seeds;
- Dairy products.
If you are unsure about the composting method or the materials to be composted, we invite you to consult :
- The explanatory document on home composting (French only);
- The zero waste checklist produced by the MRC d’Argenteuil for the 3-2-1-0 “strength in numbers” campaign;
- The 3-2-1-0.com website;
- The Recyc-Québec (French only) website as well as their mini-guide.
Community container for voluntary contribution
The Municipality of Mille-Isles has community containers for voluntary contribution on its territory in which you can dispose of organic materials that you cannot put in your home composter.
These containers are located:
- at the Town Hall;
- at the intersection of Tamaracouta Road and Black Road;
- at the intersection of Mille-Isles Road and Côte Saint-Joseph;
- at the intersection of Lac Hughes Road and Route 329;
- at the intersection of Tamaracouta Road and Côte Saint-Gabriel;
- at the entrance of Scraire Road;
- at the Park of chemin du Domaine;
- at chemin des Huards.
Here are three (3) simple rules about what is accepted in the community containers:
- Can it be eaten or is it part of something that is eaten?
- Is it a garden residue?
- Is it soiled paper or cardboard?
If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, the material can be placed in the brown bin. Still not sure what you can put in the community containers? Download the informative poster.
Good Neighbours Ecocentre
All citizens of the Municipality of the Township of Gore, the Municipality of Mille-Isles and the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth can benefit from the services of the Good Neighbours Ecocentre. They can thus contribute to the responsible management of residual materials and the protection of the environment.
Address: 40 Sideline Road, Gore, Quebec, J0V 1K0
Telephone: 450-562-2025
Hours of operation:
- From Patriots’ Day to Thanksgiving: Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday from 9 to 4:30 p.m.;
- From Thanksgiving to Patriots’ Day: Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 4:30 p.m.;
- The Ecocenter is open on the following holidays:
o National Patriots’ Day;
o Labor Day;
o Thanksgiving ; - The Ecocenter is closed on the following holidays:
o New Year’s Day;
o Good Friday;
o Quebec’s national holiday;
o Christmas Day.
New procedures at the Ecocentre – Effective January 2024
After studying the Ecocentre’s attendance data, we found that some users were abusing the Ecocentre (some more than 20 times a year!). We remind you that the Ecocentre is for individuals, not contractors. The municipal councils of member municipalities have decided to introduce a fee for 11 or more visits (annually). This affects less than 2% of users. Here is the tariff in effect in 2024:
10 annual visits free
11 to 15 visits: $10/visit
16 to 20 visits: $100/visit
More than 20 visits: $200/visit
A visit management software program has now been installed at the ecocenter to manage entries and calculate individual visits. Please note that if a fee applies to your visit, it is possible to make an electronic payment on site.
Materials accepted at the Ecocentre: See the back of the 2024 collection calendar (verso) or consult this explanatory document.
Where's it going?
The Recyc-Québec (french only) website will help you become a recycling pro by telling you what to put in the recycling bin and the compost bin, or the location of a drop-off point or the nearest ecocentre.
Free and easy to use, you will find useful information to help you sort your materials.