Fire safety


The mission of the Fire Safety Service is part of a municipality’s responsibility with respect to the protection of its citizens.

The main goals are:

  • to ensure the collective on the Mille-Isles territory, the protection of people and goods against fire of all types as well as organizing the rescue of accident victims, relief to a stricken person as well as its rescue during an emergency evacuation; To ensure the protection of life, health and heritage;
  • to prevent disasters and catastrophes by developing fire risk and other disaster scenarios, by providing information, training, the development and enactment of municipal by-laws; To determine the point of origin, probable causes and circumstances of the fire.

More precisely, the mission of a Fire Safety Service is divided into two main categories: fire prevention and taking care of emergencies.


The Service is staffed with part-time firefighters. The Service depends on its director, with firefighters duly appointed by a Council resolution.

The Safety Service intervenes in various situations. The main areas of intervention include:

  • building fire;
  • forest fire;
  • field and brush fire;
  • vehicle accident or fire;
  • automobile extrication;
  • bomb threat;
  • intervention involving hazardous materials;
  • miscellaneous rescues;
  • community safety.

Become a firefighter

The municipality of Mille-Isles is always interested in recruiting part-time firefighters. Individuals who join the Fire Department are committed to protecting and serving the community in situations of emergency requiring appropriate expertise. Firefighters must respond to emergency events, and actively engage in other multiple related tasks such as:

  • carry out multiple preventive activities (inspections, public education, etc.);
  • verifying and maintaining equipment;
  • perform training inherent to his / her work function;
  • participate in training and maintenance sessions;
  • involvement in community activities;
  • maintain, through various activities, public relations.

If you are interested in joining the ranks of this team, we invite you to submit your application by filling out the following form.


It is forbidden, under municipal regulations, to use pyrotechnics and deploy fireworks on the territory of Mille-Isles unless you have obtained an authorization from the Fire Safety Department. The dry weather that affects the Laurentians region is particularly conducive to fires caused by fireworks. Violators are subject to a fine.

Monthly reports 2025

Monthly reports 2023

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.

Monthly reports 2022

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.

Monthly reports 2021

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.

Monthly reports 2020

The reports are available in French only. Please contact the municipality if you have questions on specific items.

If you have any questions, contact the Director of the Fire Department at 450-438-2958, Ext. 2603 or by email at