March 18, 2025: Public notice – Sale for non-payment of taxes 2025 | MRC d’Argenteuil (French only)
February 17, 2025: Public notice – Public consultation meeting concerning the Draft By-law RU.09.2012.01 amending the Minor Exemptions By-law RU.09.2012
February 17, 2025: Public notice – 2025-02 – Minor derogation request consisting in reducing the area of proposed lot 6 670 910
January 20, 2025: Public notice – Coming into force of by-law 2024-05 concerning the budget and taxation for fiscal year 2025
December 20: Public notice – Minor derogation request consisting in reducing the rear setback to 12 meters – Lot 3 207 950
December 12: Public notice – Adoption of by-law 114-24 concerning the conduct of council meetings (MRC d’Argenteuil)
December 12: Public notice – Adoption by-law 107-1-24 governing interventions in and around wetlands (MRC d’Argenteuil)
December 6: Public notice – Special meeting of December 11, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
December 6: Public notice – Calender of regular meeting for 2025
December 2: Public notice – Special meeting of December 11, 2024 at 7 p.m. – Budget 2025
November 18: Public notice – Minor derogation request consists of increasing the height of the attached garage doors to 2,74 m – Lot 6 642 224
October 30: Public notice – Registration procedure for by-law number 2024-04
October 8: Public notice – Filing of triennial property assessment roll (2024-2026) for second fiscal year
September 12: Public notice – 2024-03 – Amending the 2018-03 By-law concerning the periodic emptying of septic tanks on the territory
August 27: Public notice – RU.02.2011.16 amending the Zoning By-law number RU.02.2011, as already amended, in order to ensure conformity with the by-law number 68-26-21 of the MRC d’Argenteuil and to amend various provisions
July 30: Public notice – Closure of a part of Mille-Isles road
May 28: Public notice – 2023 financial report
April 18: Public notice – By-law no. 2024-01 concerning a borrowing by-law (chemin Hammond)
April 18: Public notice – By-law no. 2024-02 concerning a borrowing by-law (culverts on chemin Tamaracouta)
April 15 : Minor exemption for the construction of a dwelling at 227, Hammond Road
April 2: Public tender TP202404-06 – Supply of crushed stone for municipal roads
March 5: Public tender TP202402-05 – Replacement of the culvert on Bonniebrook Creek on Tamaracouta Road
March 5: Public tender TP202402-04 – Repair of Hammond Road between Tamaracouta Road and 329 Road
December 20 : Public Notice – Effective date of By-law 2023-06 concerning the budget and taxation for fiscal year 2024
December 8 : Special meeting of December 13, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
December 8 : Calender of regular meetings for 2024
December 8 : Public notice – By-law number 2023-04 concerning parking on public roads
December 1st : Special meeting of December 13 – Budget 2024
December 1st : Public notice – By-law number 44-24-23 concerning the distribution of quota-share expenses pertaining to the Argenteuil MRC’s 2024 fiscal year | MRC d’Argenteuil(public notice in French only)
November 20 : Public notice – Announcement of a special council meeting on November 23, 2023
November 20 : Minor derogation for setback reductions at 86 chemin Scraire
November 2 : Adoption of the resolution concerning the project to develop a beekeeping workshop on the property located at 1015, Tamaracouta road
October 13 : Minor derogation for the reduction of the lateral setback of the main building at 86 chemin Scaire
September 28 : Public notice – Tabling of the property tax assessment roll
August 17 : Public notice – Entry into effect of By-law number RU.03.2011.03
August 17 : Minor derogation for the lateral setback of the main building at 29, chemin Corriveau
August 3 : Minor derogation for the subdivision of lot 3 207 494
July 20 : Public notice – Coming into force of the Argenteuil MRC’s residual materials management plan | MRC d’Argenteuil (public notice in French only)
July 20 : Public notice – Adoption of a by-law concerning the exercise of the right of first refusal on a property | MRC d’Argenteuil (public notice in French only)
July 20 : Public Notice – Closure of a part off Mille-Isles road for the Fête de Mille-Isles
July 13 : Public notice – Public tender NO INF202307-09 – Restoration of the Maple-Grove building located at 1253 chemin de Mille-Isles (public notice in French only)
June 19 : Minor derogation for front setback – property located at 12 chemin Terrasses-Gagné
June 19 : Minor derogation for the subdivision of lot 3 205 729
June 13 : notice of promulgation of by-law 2023-02 regarding the right of first refusal
June 13 : notice of promulgation of by-law 2023-01 regarding the CCU
May 30 : public notice for consultation of by-law RU.03.2011.03
April 6: bylaw number 110-23 concerning the constitution of the regional heritage council of the Argenteuil MRC (public notice in French only).
March 20: public consultation within the framework of an amendment to the revised land use and development plan | MRC d’Argenteuil (public notice in French only).
February 23: RU.02.2011.14.1, RU.02.2011.14.2 and RU.02.2011.14.3 were adopted (public notice in French only).
February 9: acknowledgement of receipt of the resolution of February 1, 2023 concerning the maintenance of the recognition obtained by the Municipality of Mille-Isles (letter in French only).
December 16: avis relatif aux données démolinguistiques de la Municipalité de Mille-Isles (French only)
December 15: by-law (2022-06) concerning the budget and taxation for the 2023 fiscal year.
December 15: by-law number 44-23-22 concerning the distribution of co-payment expenses for the Argenteuil MRC fiscal year 2023, for the local municipalities of the MRC was adopted by the MRC Council (French only).
December 15: withdrawal of By-law number RU.02.2011.14.4 and resolution number 2022-11-244
December 8:
• Certificat concernant le résultat de la procédure d’enregistrement du règlement RU.02.2011.14.2 (French only)
• Certificat concernant le résultat de la procédure d’enregistrement du règlement RU.02.2011.14.3 (French only)
• Certificat concernant le résultat de la procédure d’enregistrement du règlement RU.02.2011.14.4 (French only)
December 8: schedule of regular council meetings for the year 2023
December 8: agenda for the special sitting of Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
December 5: special sitting to adopt the 2023 fiscal year budget and the three-year capital expenditure budget.
November 17:
•Registration procedure by-law RU.02.2011.14.2
•Registration procedure by-law RU.02.2011.14.3
•Registration procedure by-law RU.02.2011.14.4
October 24: draft residual materials management plan for the MRC d’Argenteuil 2023-2030 | MRC d’Argenteuil (French only)
September 29: the 2021-2023 triennial assessment roll of the Municipality of Mille-Isles will be in force for its third fiscal year.
September 22: public consultation within the framework of the adoption of a regional regulation on the management of natural and anthropic constraints | MRC D’Argenteuil (French only).
September 14: establishing the payment of a growth contribution when issuing a new construction permit (by-law number 2022-05)
September 14: amending by-law number 2016-03 relating to the removal and disposal of residual materials (by-law number 2022-04)
September 14: regarding speed limit on municipal roads (by-law number 2022-03)
September 8: Public tender number HY202209-012 about collection and transportation of residual materials and bulky waste for the years 2023-2024 (French only).
August 24: The municipality informs interested citizens that the project to develop a resources centre on the property located at 1186 Mille-Isles Road as part of a request for a specific project to build, modify or occupy a a building (SCAOPI) was withdrawn by the applicants. The municipality therefore put an end to the process of approving the project.
June 16: by-law number RU.02.2011.13 amending the zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (French only).
April 20: regarding the development of a beekeeping workshop on the property at 1015 Tamaracouta Road.
April 14: public tenders No. TP202204-06 concerning the supply of crushed stone for municipal roads in Mille-Isles in 2022 (French only).
March 16: sale for non-payment of taxes 2022 | MRC d’Argenteuil (French only).
March 15: by-law number 105-22 replacing by-law number 37-97 and its amendments concerning the salary of members of the Argenteuil MRC Council (French only).
December 16: promulgation of regulation 2021-03 concerning the budget and taxation for 2022 fiscal year.
December 15: special meeting of Council to be held on December 15 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.
November 15: public notice of election results (Municipal Election 2021 french only)
October 27: public notice of the vote (Municipal Election 2021 french only)
October 14: public Notice of Revision of the List of Electors (Municipal Election 2021 french only)
October 14: public Notice to Property Owners and Occupants of Business Establishments (Municipal Election 2021 french only)
September 15: Tabling of the 2021-2023 triennial assessment roll of Municipality of Mille-Isles.
September 15: public notice of election.
August 24: by-law 100-1-21 amending bylaw 100-20 respecting contract management (french only).
August 12: written public consultation within the framework of an amendment to the revised land use and development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft bylaw number 68-29-21 french only).
August 5: closure of a section of Mille-Isles Road on August 7, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
July 20: written public consultation in the context of an amendment to the revised land use and development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft by law number 68-28-21 french only).
June 22: written public consultation in connection with an amendment to the revised development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft by law number 68-27-21 french only).
June 7: regulation 2021-02 amending the 2020-06 By-law regarding contract management.
June 3: public tender No. SSl202106-222 requesting bids for the contractual management of the fire and civil security department (french only).
April 28: tabling of the financial report and auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.
March 24: public tenders No. TP202103-05 concerning the supply of crushed stone for municipal roads in Mille-Isles in 2021 (french only).
March 18: addition of items to agenda of the special meeting of Council to be held on March 24.
March 11: written public consultation in connection with an amendment to the revised development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft by law number 68-26-21 french only).
March 11: public tenders No. TP202102-02 concerning the rehabilitation of certain infrastructures on Tamaracouta Road for the year 2021 (french only).
March 4: public tender No. TP202102-04 regarding the paving and gravel installation work on the shoulders of Black Road (french only).
March 4: public tender No. TP202102-03 cconcerning the rehabilitation of certain infrastructures on Black Road between Mille-Isles and Cascades Roads (french only).
February 16: minor derogation (2021-102) for the creation of lot 6 008 391 of the Quebec cadastre, on Montée du Pont-Bleu.
February 5: by-law (2020-05) concerning the citation of part of the Tamaracouta Scout Reserve as heritage site.
January 14: regulation number 44-21-20 concerning the distribution of the quota expenses for the fiscal year 2021 of the MRC d’Argenteuil, for the local municipalities of the MRC (french only).
January 14: public consultation for draft by-law RU.01.2011.02 modifying the urban plan.
December 17: promulgation of regulation 2020-08 concerning the budget and taxation for 2021 fiscal year.
December 16: By-law number 88-01-20 amending by-law number 88-16 concerning the establishment of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of the MRC d’Argenteuil, in order to integrate provisions regarding the holding of virtual meetings. (french only)
December 3: regulation (2020-07) regarding speed limit on municipal roads.
December 3: regulation (2020-06) regarding contract management
October 21: minor derogation (2020-117) for the property located at 53, Scraire Road.
October 21: minor derogation (2020-106) for the property located at 1394, Mille-Isles Road.
September 24: tabling of the property tax assesment roll.
September 22: minor derogation (2020-113) for the property located at 17, Corriveau Road.
September 22: minor derogation (2020-112) for the property located at 20, Scraire Road.
August 18: minor derogation (2020-111) for the property located at 17, Chartier Road.
July 21: minor derogation (2020-110) for the property located at 12, Black Road.
July 21: minor derogation (2020-107) for the property located at 10, Futaie Road.
July 16: regulation (2020-04) regarding nuisances.
July 16: regulation (2020-03) establishing the creation of a Local Heritage Council.
July 16: regulation (RU.02.2011.1)2 amending Zoning By-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (french only).
June 15: regulation (100-20) relating to contract management (french only).
March 26: public tender No. TP202003-05 for paving and gravel installation work on the shoulders of Tamaracouta Road and Côte Saint-Joseph. (french only).
February 26: minor derogation (2020-104) for the property located at 23, Scraire Road.
February 26: minor derogation (2020-103) for the property located at 169, Dainava Road.
February 26: minor derogation (2020-102) for the property located at 10, lac Ivan Nord Road.
February 26: minor derogation (2020-101) for the property located at 241, Daïnava Road.
February 10: Public meeting for consultation for those interested in the draft regulation RU.02.2011.12 (french only).
February 5: By-law number 44-20-19 concerning the distribution of quota expenses related to the fiscal year 2020 of the MRC d’Argenteuil, for the local municipalities of the MRC (french only).
December 19: regulation (2019-03) regarding the budget and taxation for the 2020 fiscal year.
November 20: minor derogation (2019-114) for the property located at 1476, Mille-Isles Road.
November 20: minor derogation (2019-113) for the property located at 219, Hammond Road.
October 24: minor derogation (2019-112) for the property located at 93, Scraire Road.
September 17: minor derogation (2019-111) for the property located at 668, Tamaracouta Road.
September 17: minor derogation (2019-110) for the property located at 128, lac Hughes Road.
September 17: minor derogation (2019-109) for the property located at 51, Barmel Road.
July 25: minor derogation (2019-108) for the property located at 71, Mille-Isles Road.
July 25: minor derogation (2019-107) for the property located at 806, Tamaracouta Road.
July 25: minor derogation (2019-106) for the property located at 12, Carole Road.
June 25: public tender No. TP201906-025 regarding snow removal (french only).
March 20: to persons interested in draft by-laws amending Zoning By-law RU.02.201 1, Subdivision By-law RU.03 .2011 and Permits and Certificates RU.05.2011 (french only).
February 19: minor derogation (2019-102) for the property located at 114, Mille-Isles Road.
January 25: minor derogation (2019-101) for the property located at 6, Lac Fiddler Road.
January 10: regulation (2018-09) regarding the budget and taxation for the 2019 fiscal year.
December 17: minor derogation (2018-124) for the property located at 8, lac Fiddler Road.
November 21: minor derogation (2018-123) for the property located at 10, Bonheur Road.
November 21: minor derogation (2018-122) for the property located at 203, Dainava Road.
November 21: minor derogation (2018-121) for the property located at 1032, Tamaracouta Road.
November 21: minor derogation (2018-120) for the property located at 10, Cardinal Road.
November 21: minor derogation (2018-119) for the property located at 8, Bonheur Lac Fiddler Road.
November 21: minor derogation (2018-118) for the property located at 180, Benny Road.
November 9: regulation (2018-05) regarding a borrowing by-law.
September 20: triennal assessment role of the Municipality of Mille-Isles.
September 19: minor derogation (2018-114) for the property located at 202, Anne Road East.
September 11: registration procedure.
September 11: regulation (2018-08) code of ethics and professional conduct.
August 23: minor derogation (2018-113) for the property located at 38, Roux Road.
July 26: public tender No. SSI201802-051B for tenders for the supply of a mini pump type vehicle dedicated to firefighting (french only).
July 26: public tender No. SSI201802-051A for tender for the supply of a mini rescue vehicle dedicated to firefighting (french only).
July 26: public tender No. TP201807-108 for construction works (french only).
June 20: minor derogation (2018-112) for the property located at 15, montée du Pont-Bleu.
June 20: minor derogation (2018-109) for the property located on lot 3 208 508 of the Quebec cadaster.
May 23: minor derogation (2018-111) for the property located at 40, Roux Road.
May 14: regulation (2018-04) establishing a three year inspection program for sealed tanks.
April 18: minor derogation (2018-108) for the property located on lot 3 208 514 of the Quebec cadaster.
April 18: minor derogation (2018-107) for the property located at 158, Benny Road.
April 18: minor derogation (2018-106) for the property located at 40, Roux Road.
March 20: minor derogation (2018-105) for the property located at 752, Tamaracouta Road.
March 20: minor derogation (2018-104) for the property located at 23, Lys Road West.
March 15: promulgation of by-laws.
January 11: regulation (2017-06) regarding the budget and taxation for the 2018 fiscal year.