Public notice


December 20: Public notice – Minor derogation request consisting in reducing the rear setback to 12 meters – Lot 3 207 950

December 12: Public notice – Adoption of by-law 114-24 concerning the conduct of council meetings (MRC d’Argenteuil)

December 12: Public notice – Adoption by-law 107-1-24 governing interventions in and around wetlands (MRC d’Argenteuil)

December 6: Public notice – Special meeting of December 11, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

December 6: Public notice – Calender of regular meeting for 2025

December 3: Public notice – By-law number 44-25-24 concerning the distribution of quota-share expenses pertaining to the Argenteuil MRC’s 2025 fiscal year | MRC d’Argenteuil

December 2: Public notice – Special meeting of December 11, 2024 at 7 p.m. – Budget 2025

November 20: Public notice – By-law no. 2024-04 concerning a borrowing by-law a decreeing expenditures of $139,052 for the acquisition of self-contained breathing apparatus and continuous supervision equipment

November 18: Public notice – Minor derogation request consists of increasing the height of the attached garage doors to 2,74 m – Lot 6 642 224

November 18: Public notice – Minor derogation request consists of increasing the height of the attached garage doors to 2,74 m – Lot 6 642 225

October 30: Public notice – Registration procedure for by-law number 2024-04

October 8: Public notice – Filing of triennial property assessment roll (2024-2026) for second fiscal year

September 16: Public notice – 2024-04 – Minor derogation for the width of the driveway and the distance between the lateral lot line and the driveway for a new house on lots 6 583 375 and 6 504 021

September 12: Public notice – 2024-03 – Amending the 2018-03 By-law concerning the periodic emptying of septic tanks on the territory

August 27: Public notice – RU.02.2011.16 amending the Zoning By-law number RU.02.2011, as already amended, in order to ensure conformity with the by-law number 68-26-21 of the MRC d’Argenteuil and to amend various provisions

August 27: Public notice – RU.01.2011.03 amending the urban planning By-law RU.01.2011, as already amended, to ensure conformity with the by-law number 68-26-21 of the MRC d’Argenteuil, to add provisions relating to combating heat islands and to identify a conservation zone

July 30: Public notice – Closure of a part of Mille-Isles road

July 9: Public tender TP2O24O7-10 – Snow removal and spreading on public roads for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 seasons

June 29: Public tender TP2O24O6-09 – Installation of crushed stone and asphalt paving on several Mille-isles municipal roads

May 28: Public notice – 2023 financial report

April 18: Public notice – By-law no. 2024-01 concerning a borrowing by-law (chemin Hammond)

April 18: Public notice – By-law no. 2024-02 concerning a borrowing by-law (culverts on chemin Tamaracouta)

April 16: Public notice – Public consultation meeting concerning draft by-law RU.02.2011.16 amending the zoning by-law

April 16: Public notice – Public consultation meeting concerning draft by-law RU.01.2011.03 amending the Urban Plan By-law RU.01.2011

April 15 : Minor exemption for the construction of a dwelling at 227, Hammond Road

April 2: Public tender TP202404-06 – Supply of crushed stone for municipal roads

March 19: Minor derogation for the reduction of the side setback for the main building located at 10, Victor road

March 19: Minor derogation consisting in the reduction in the width of projected lots 6 614 395 and 6 614 396, for the subdivision of lot 3 205 820

March 5: Public tender TP202402-05 – Replacement of the culvert on Bonniebrook Creek on Tamaracouta Road

March 5: Public tender TP202402-04 – Repair of Hammond Road between Tamaracouta Road and 329 Road


December 20 : Public Notice – Effective date of By-law 2023-06 concerning the budget and taxation for fiscal year 2024

December 20 : Public notice – Effective date of By-law 2023-05 amending By-law 2009-06 decreeing the imposition of a tax for the purpose of financing 9-1-1 emergency centers

December 8 : Special meeting of December 13, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

December 8 : Calender of regular meetings for 2024

December 8 : Public notice – By-law number 2023-04 concerning parking on public roads

December 1st : Special meeting of December 13 – Budget 2024

December 1st : Public notice – By-law number 44-24-23 concerning the distribution of quota-share expenses pertaining to the Argenteuil MRC’s 2024 fiscal year | MRC d’Argenteuil(public notice in French only)

November 20 : Public notice –  Announcement of a special council meeting on November 23, 2023

November 20 : Minor derogation for setback reductions at 86 chemin Scraire

November 2 : Adoption of the resolution concerning the project to develop a beekeeping workshop on the property located at 1015, Tamaracouta road

October 13 :  Minor derogation for the reduction of the lateral setback of the main building at 86 chemin Scaire

September 28 : Public notice – Tabling of the property tax assessment roll

August 17 : Public notice – Entry into effect of By-law number RU.03.2011.03

August 17 : Minor derogation for the orientation of the main facade in relation to the front lot line for the projected lot 6 561 227 along Dawson road

August 17 : Minor derogation for the lateral setback of the main building at 29, chemin Corriveau

August 17 : Public notice – Public consultation on an amendment to the revised land use and development plan of the MRC d’Argenteuil | MRC d’Argenteuil

August 3 : Public notice – Participate in a referendum concerning a beekeeping workshop on property 1015, chemin Tamaracouta

August 3 : Minor derogation for the subdivision of lot 3 207 494

July 20 : Public notice – Coming into force of the Argenteuil MRC’s residual materials management plan | MRC d’Argenteuil (public notice in French only)

July 20 : Public notice – Adoption of a by-law concerning the exercise of the right of first refusal on a property | MRC d’Argenteuil (public notice in French only)

July 20 : Public Notice – Closure of a part off Mille-Isles road for the Fête de Mille-Isles

July 13 : Minor derogation for the reduction of the lateral setback for the detached garage located at 14, chemin des Lys Ouest

July 13 : Public notice – Public tender NO INF202307-09 – Restoration of the Maple-Grove building located at 1253 chemin de Mille-Isles  (public notice in French only)

July 13 : Public notice – Public meeting for consultation purposes concerning the project to develop a beekeeping workshop on land located at 1015, chemin Taramacouta

July 6 : Specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposals for an immovable (SCAOPI) – Concerning the development of a beekeeping workshop at 1015 chemin Tamaracouta

June 19 : Minor derogation for front setback – property located at 12 chemin Terrasses-Gagné

June 19 : Minor derogation for the subdivision of lot 3 205 729

June 13 : notice of promulgation of by-law 2023-02 regarding the right of first refusal

June 13 : notice of promulgation of by-law 2023-01 regarding the CCU

May 30 : public notice for consultation of by-law RU.03.2011.03

April 27: the financial report and auditor’s report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 will be tabled at the May 3, 2023 Council meeting

April 6: bylaw number 110-23 concerning the constitution of the regional heritage council of the Argenteuil MRC (public notice in French only).

March 23: public notice of the entry into effect of by-laws number RU.02.2011.15.1 to RU.02.2011.15.67 and RU.11.2022.

March 20: public consultation within the framework of an amendment to the revised land use and development plan | MRC d’Argenteuil (public notice in French only).

February 23: RU.02.2011.14.1, RU.02.2011.14.2 and RU.02.2011.14.3 were adopted (public notice in French only).

February 9: acknowledgement of receipt of the resolution of February 1, 2023 concerning the maintenance of the recognition obtained by the Municipality of Mille-Isles (letter in French only).

February 8: 67 public notices regarding the registration procedures of by-laws number RU.02.2011.15.1 to RU.02.2011.15.67.

January 13: minor derogation (2021-120) consists of authorizing the grouping of lots 4 286 186, 4 286 187 and 6 017 949 despite the minimum width of 26.64 m of the new lot.


December 16: avis relatif aux données démolinguistiques de la Municipalité de Mille-Isles  (French only)

December 15: by-law (2022-06) concerning the budget and taxation for the 2023 fiscal year.

December 15: by-law number 44-23-22 concerning the distribution of co-payment expenses for the Argenteuil MRC fiscal year 2023, for the local municipalities of the MRC was adopted by the MRC Council (French only).

December 15: on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., there will be a public consultation meeting on draft by-law number RU.11.2022 regarding the demolition of buildings.

December 15: on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., there will be a public consultation meeting on draft by-law RU.02.2011.15 modifying the zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles.

December 15: withdrawal of By-law number RU.02.2011.14.4 and resolution number 2022-11-244

December 15: minor derogation (2022-10) consists in allowing a lot with an area of 4846.3 square meters, a lot with an area of 5013.1 square meters and a lot with an area of 4,789.3 square meters instead of the 6,000 square meters provided for in the zoning by-law, on chemin des Huards.

December 8:
Certificat concernant le résultat de la procédure d’enregistrement du règlement RU.02.2011.14.2 (French only)
Certificat concernant le résultat de la procédure d’enregistrement du règlement RU.02.2011.14.3 (French only)
Certificat concernant le résultat de la procédure d’enregistrement du règlement RU.02.2011.14.4 (French only)

December 8: schedule of regular council meetings for the year 2023

December 8: agenda for the special sitting of Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

December 5: special sitting to adopt the 2023 fiscal year budget and the three-year capital expenditure budget.

November 17:
Registration procedure by-law RU.02.2011.14.2
Registration procedure by-law RU.02.2011.14.3
Registration procedure by-law RU.02.2011.14.4

November 9: minor derogation (2022-10) consists in allowing a lot with an area of 4846.3 square meters, a lot with an area of 5013.1 square meters and a lot with an area of 4,789.3 square meters instead of the 6,000 square meters provided for in the zoning by-law, on chemin des Huards.

October 24: draft residual materials management plan for the MRC d’Argenteuil 2023-2030 | MRC d’Argenteuil (French only)

September 29: the 2021-2023 triennial assessment roll of the Municipality of Mille-Isles will be in force for its third fiscal year.

September 22: public consultation within the framework of the adoption of a regional regulation on the management of natural and anthropic constraints | MRC D’Argenteuil (French only).

September 14: establishing the payment of a growth contribution when issuing a new construction permit (by-law number 2022-05)

September 14: amending by-law number 2016-03 relating to the removal and disposal of residual materials (by-law number 2022-04)

September 14: regarding speed limit on municipal roads (by-law number 2022-03)

September 14: second draft by-law number RU02.2011.14 amending the zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles – referendum

September 8: Public tender number HY202209-012 about collection and transportation of residual materials and bulky waste for the years 2023-2024 (French only).

August 25: public meeting for the draft by-law RU.02.2011.14 amending the zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles.

August 24: The municipality informs interested citizens that the project to develop a resources centre on the property located at 1186 Mille-Isles Road as part of a request for a specific project to build, modify or occupy a a building (SCAOPI) was withdrawn by the applicants. The municipality therefore put an end to the process of approving the project.

August 24: minor derogation (2022-11) consists in allowing a third access to the public road instead of two, as provided for in the zoning by-law, at the property located at 92 Scraire Road.

August 24: minor derogation (2022-10) consists in allowing a lot with an area of 4846.3 square meters, a lot with an area of 5013.1 square meters and a lot with an area of 4,789.3 square meters instead of the 6,000 square meters provided for in the zoning by-law, on chemin des Huards.

August 24: minor derogation (2022-09) consists in allowing the construction of a detached garage at a distance of 2.85 metres from the lateral property line instead of 3 meters, as provided for in the zoning by-law, at the property located at 3, chemin de l’Érablière.

August 24: minor derogation (2022-08) consists of allowing the construction of a dwelling whose highest point of construction exceeds the summit of the mountain by 2.32 meters, instead of exceeding the highest geodesic point of this summit, as provided for in the zoning by-law, for the property located on lot 6 477 252 of the Quebec cadastre, on chemin des Becs-Scie Ouest.

July 26: project to develop a healing center on the site at 1186 Mille-Isles Road under the Regulation respecting special projects for the construction, modification or occupation of an immovable (SCAOPI) No. RU.10.2017.

July 20: Saturday, August 6, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mille-Isles Road will be closed between Black Road and Spinney Road.

July 14: Specific construction, alteration or occupancy project for the building located at 1186 Mille-Isles Road.

July 13: minor derogation (2022-07) consists in allowing construction of a three storey dwelling instead of the maximum two storeys provided for in the zoning by-law, for the property located on lot 3 208 130 of the Quebec cadastre, on des Terrasses-Gagné Road.

July 13: minor derogation (2022-06) consists in allowing construction of a two-and-ahalf storey dwelling instead of the maximum two storeys provided for in the zoning by-law, for the property located on lot 3 207 642 of the Quebec cadastre, on Des Versants Road.

July 13: minor derogation (2022-05) consists of allowing the construction of a public utility building in the form of a metal dome, as provided for in the zoning by-law, for the property located at 400, Mille-Isles Road.

June 21: minor derogation (2022-04) consists in allowing the use of natural pine boards as exterior siding instead of wood treated to prevent blackening, as provided for in the zoning by-law, at the property located at 1309 Mille-Isles Road.

June 21: minor derogation (2022-03) consists in allowing the use of natural pine boards as exterior siding instead of wood treated to prevent blackening, as provided for in the zoning by-law, at the property located at 1305 Mille-Isles Road.

June 21: minor derogation (2022-02) consists in allowing the construction of a dwelling located at a distance of 250.86 meters from the road instead of the maximum distance of 150 meters stipulated in the zoning by-law, for the property located on lot 6 477 252 of the Quebec cadaster, on Becs-Scie Ouest Road. 

June 16: by-law number RU.02.2011.13 amending the zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (French only).

June 9: public meeting for the consultation of draft by-law RU.02.2011.14 modifying the zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the municipality of Mille-Isles.

May 17:  minor derogation (2022-01) regarding to permit the construction of an attached garage extending 9.75 metres beyond the the most advanced frontage of the main building, rather than a maximum of 4 metres, as provided for in the zoning by-law, on the property property located on lot number # 6 433 886 of the Quebec cadastre of Quebec, located on Montée du Pont-Bleu.

May 11: regarding the second draft resolution relating to the project to develop a beekeeping workshop on the property at 1015 Tamaracouta Road.

April 26: the financial report and auditor’s report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 will be tabled at the May 4, 2022 meeting.

April 20: regarding the development of a beekeeping workshop on the property at 1015 Tamaracouta Road.

April 14: public tenders No. TP202204-06 concerning the supply of crushed stone for municipal roads in Mille-Isles in 2022 (French only).

April 13: code of ethics and professional conduct for employees of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (adoption by-law number 2022-02).

March 16: sale for non-payment of taxes 2022 | MRC d’Argenteuil (French only).

March 15: by-law number 105-22 replacing by-law number 37-97 and its amendments concerning the salary of members of the Argenteuil MRC Council (French only).

March 14: code of ethics and professional conduct for employees of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (draft by-law number 2022-02).

March 10: notice of promulgation of Code of ethics and professional conduct for elected officials of the Municipality of Mille-Isles.

March 7: second draft by-law number RU.02.2011.13 modifying zoning by-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles.

February 22: code of ethics and professional conduct for elected officials of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (draft by-law number 2022-01).

February 17: a consultation meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall of the Municipality of Mille-Isles concerning draft by-law RU.02.2011.13 modifying the zoning by-law.

January 25: concerning the distribution of quota expenditures for the fiscal year 2022 of the Argenteuil MRC, for the local municipalities of the MRC (draft by-law number 44-22-21).

January 17: minor derogation (2021-118) consists in authorizing an additional use to the “tourism residence” despite the installation of a vegetation buffer for the property located at 914, chemin Tamaracouta.

January 17: minor derogation (2021-119) consists of authorizing the division of lot 4 100 893 into two new lots despite the minimum width of 135.88 m of one of the two lots.

January 17: minor derogation (2021-120) consists in authorizing the regrouping of lots 4 286 186, 4 286 187 and 6 017 949 despite the minimum width of 26.64 m of the new lot.

January 17: minor derogation (2021-121) consists in regularizing lot 6 351 188 despite the minimum width of 30.48 m of the lot for the property located at 8, chemin du Belvédère.


December 16: promulgation of regulation 2021-03 concerning the budget and taxation for 2022 fiscal year.

December 15: special meeting of Council to be held on December 15 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.

December 2: a special sitting of council will take place on December 15, 2021 at 7 p.m. for adoption of the budget for the 2022 fiscal year and its three-year capital expenditure budget.

December 2: at the regular meeting of the council of the municipality of Mille-Isles held on December 1, 2021, the schedule of regular meetings for the year 2022 was adopted.

November 29: minor derogation (2021-116) consists of authorizing an increase in the maximum front setback for the property located at 8 Spinney Road.

November 15: public notice of election results (Municipal Election 2021 french only)

October 27: public notice of the vote (Municipal Election 2021 french only)

October 14: public Notice of Revision of the List of Electors (Municipal Election 2021 french only)

October 14: public Notice to Property Owners and Occupants of Business Establishments (Municipal Election 2021 french only)

September 20: minor derogation (2021-117) consists in authorizing, as part of a new construction, an increase the maximum front setback and access to the property through a right of way for the property located on lot 6 428 066.

September 20: minor derogation (2021-116) consists of authorizing an increase in the maximum front setback for the property located at 8 Spinney Road.

20 septembre : dérogation mineure (2021-117) consiste à autoriser, dans le cadre d’une nouvelle construction, l’augmentation de la marge de recul avant maximale et l’accès au terrain par servitude de passage pour la propriété située sur le lot 6 428 066.

September 15: Tabling of the 2021-2023 triennial assessment roll of Municipality of Mille-Isles. 

September 15: public notice of election.

August 24: by-law 100-1-21 amending bylaw 100-20 respecting contract management (french only).

August 18: minor derogation (2021-115) which consists in authorizing the increase of the maximum front setback margin for a new construction on lot 3 207 491.

August 12: written public consultation within the framework of an amendment to the revised land use and development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft bylaw number 68-29-21 french only).

August 5: closure of a section of Mille-Isles Road on August 7, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

July 20: minor derogation (2021-113) consists in authorizing the subdivision of the property located at 113, chemin de Mille-Isles in order to create 3 distinct lots.

July 20: written public consultation in the context of an amendment to the revised land use and development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft by law number 68-28-21 french only).

June 23: minor derogation (2021-112) consists of authorizing the addition of an additional bachelor-type apartment on the 1st floor of a main building.

June 23: minor derogation (2021-111) consists in authorizing the reduction of the buffer space in order to authorize the use of a tourist residence.

June 22: written public consultation in connection with an amendment to the revised development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft by law number 68-27-21 french only).

June 7: regulation 2021-02 amending the 2020-06 By-law regarding contract management.

June 3: public tender No. SSl202106-222 requesting bids for the contractual management of the fire and civil security department (french only).

May 25: regulation RU.01.2011.02 modifying the Urban Plan number RU.01.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles, as already amended, in order to add a sector to be protected and in order to create and modify the provisions applying to the principles of extension of the road network (french only).

April 28: tabling of the financial report and auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.

April 21: minor derogation (2021-110) consists in authorizing the subdivision of the property located at 113, chemin de Mille-Isles to create 3 distinct lots.

March 24: public tenders No. TP202103-05 concerning the supply of crushed stone for municipal roads in Mille-Isles in 2021 (french only).

March 24: minor derogation (2021-116) request is to allow a major development project, located on lots 3 208 241 and 3 812 080 of the Quebec cadaster, on côte Saint-Joseph.

March 24: minor derogation (2021-109) request consists in allowing the construction of a single family isolated dwelling at a distance of 8,96 meters from the lateral property line, for the property located on lot 3 208 026 of the Quebec cadaster, on Mille-Isles road.

March 24: minor derogation (2021-108) request consists in authorizing the creation of a lot bearing the projected number 6 411 680 with a width of 45,07 meters rather than 50 meters, on the original lot bearing the number 6 006 850 of the cadastre of Quebec, located on chemin de Mille-Isles.

March 24: minor derogation (2021-106) request consists in allowing the construction of a single family isolated dwelling at a distance of 210 meters from the front property line, for the property located on lot 3 207 491 of the Quebec cadaster, on Tamaracouta road.

March 24: minor derogation (2021-105) request is to allow the construction of an attached garage located at a distance of 3 meters from the lateral property line, on the property located at 44, Spinney road.

March 24minor derogation (2021-104) request is to allow the construction of permanent carport adjoining the main building, on the property located at 14, Mille-Isles road.

March 18: addition of items to agenda of the special meeting of Council to be held on March 24.

March 11: written public consultation in connection with an amendment to the revised development plan by the MRC d’Argenteuil (draft by law number 68-26-21 french only).

March 11: public tenders No. TP202102-02 concerning the rehabilitation of certain infrastructures on Tamaracouta Road for the year 2021 (french only).

March 4: special meeting of Council to be held on March 24, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.

March 4: public tender No. TP202102-04 regarding the paving and gravel installation work on the shoulders of Black Road (french only).

March 4: public tender No. TP202102-03 cconcerning the rehabilitation of certain infrastructures on Black Road between Mille-Isles and Cascades Roads (french only).

March 4: minor derogation (2021-103) request is to regulate the implantation of a residence located at 8, Montée du Pont-Bleu.

February 16: miner derogation (2020-115) request is to allow the subdivision as an integrated project, located on lot 3 206 273 of du Quebec cadaster located on route 329.

February 16: minor derogation (2021-102) for the creation of lot 6 008 391 of the Quebec cadastre, on Montée du Pont-Bleu.

February 5: by-law (2020-05) concerning the citation of part of the Tamaracouta Scout Reserve as heritage site.

January 14: regulation number 44-21-20 concerning the distribution of the quota expenses for the fiscal year 2021 of the MRC d’Argenteuil, for the local municipalities of the MRC (french only).

January 14: public consultation for draft by-law RU.01.2011.02 modifying the urban plan.


December 17: promulgation of regulation 2020-08 concerning the budget and taxation for 2021 fiscal year.

December 16:  By-law   number   88-01-20   amending   by-law   number   88-16   concerning  the  establishment  of   the   Agricultural   Advisory   Committee   of   the   MRC  d’Argenteuil, in  order  to integrate provisions regarding the holding of virtual meetings. (french only)

December 10: special meeting of Council to be held on December 16, 2020 at 7:15 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.

December 3: At the regular meeting of the council of the municipality of Mille-Isles held on December 2th, 2020, the schedule of regular meetings for the year 2021 was adopted.

December 3: A special sitting of council will take place on December 16, 2020 at 7 p.m. for adoption of the budget for the 2021 fiscal year and its three-year capital expenditure budget.

December 3: regulation (2020-07) regarding speed limit on municipal roads.

December 3: regulation (2020-06) regarding contract management

November 5: public meeting of the Local Heritage Council relating to the citation project of a part of the Tamaracouta Scout Reserve as a heritage site. The meeting will take place on November 18, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

October 21: minor derogation (2020-117) for the property located at 53, Scraire Road.

October 21: minor derogation (2020-106) for the property located at 1394, Mille-Isles Road.

September 24: tabling of the property tax assesment roll.

September 22: minor derogation (2020-113) for the property located at 17, Corriveau Road.

September 22: minor derogation (2020-112) for the property located at 20, Scraire Road.

August 18: minor derogation (2020-111) for the property located at 17, Chartier Road.

July 21: minor derogation (2020-110) for the property located at 12, Black Road.

July 21: minor derogation (2020-107) for the property located at 10, Futaie Road.

July 16: regulation (2020-04) regarding nuisances.

July 16: regulation (2020-03) establishing the creation of a Local Heritage Council.

July 16: regulation (RU.02.2011.1)2 amending Zoning By-law number RU.02.2011 of the Municipality of Mille-Isles (french only).

June 15: regulation (100-20) relating to contract management (french only).

June 11: special meeting of Council to be held on June 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.

April 2: replacement procedure (Ru.02.2011.12) to interested people having the right to sigh a request to participate in a referendum.

March 26: public tender No. TP202003-05 for paving and gravel installation work on the shoulders of Tamaracouta Road and Côte Saint-Joseph. (french only).

March 24: the ordinary session be held on April 1, 2020 at 7 p.m., the financial report and the auditor’s report for fiscal year that ended on December 31, 2019, will be tabled.

March 4: special meeting of Council to be held on March 6, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.

February 26: minor derogation (2020-105) for the property located on lot 3 208 073 of the Quebec cadaster, located on Mille-Isles Road.

February 26: minor derogation (2020-104) for the property located at 23, Scraire Road.

February 26: minor derogation (2020-103) for the property located at 169, Dainava Road.

February 26: minor derogation (2020-102) for the property located at 10, lac Ivan Nord Road.

February 26: minor derogation (2020-101) for the property located at 241, Daïnava Road.

February 10: Public meeting for consultation for those interested in the draft regulation RU.02.2011.12 (french only).

February 5: By-law number 44-20-19 concerning the distribution of quota expenses related to the fiscal year 2020 of the MRC d’Argenteuil, for the local municipalities of the MRC (french only).


December 19: regulation (2019-03) regarding the budget and taxation for the 2020 fiscal year.

November 20: minor derogation (2019-114) for the property located at 1476, Mille-Isles Road.

November 20: minor derogation (2019-113) for the property located at 219, Hammond Road.

October 24: minor derogation (2019-112) for the property located at 93, Scraire Road.

September 17: minor derogation (2019-111) for the property located at 668, Tamaracouta Road.

September 17: minor derogation (2019-110) for the property located at 128, lac Hughes Road.

September 17: minor derogation (2019-109) for the property located at 51, Barmel Road.

July 25: minor derogation (2019-108) for the property located at 71, Mille-Isles Road.

July 25: minor derogation (2019-107) for the property located at 806, Tamaracouta Road.

July 25: minor derogation (2019-106) for the property located at 12, Carole Road.

July 4: regulation (110-2019) regarding alarm systems, (220-2019) regarding peddlers, (410-2019) regarding the custody of dogs, (450-2019) regarding nuisances and (460-2019) regarding security, keeping the peace and good order in public places.

June 25: public tender No. TP201906-025 regarding snow removal (french only).

April 10: special meeting of Council to be held on April 17, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall located at 1262 Mille-Isles Road.

March 20: to persons interested in draft by-laws amending Zoning By-law RU.02.201 1, Subdivision By-law RU.03 .2011 and Permits and Certificates RU.05.2011 (french only).

February 19: minor derogation (2019-102) for the property located at 114, Mille-Isles Road.

January 25: minor derogation (2019-101) for the property located at 6, Lac Fiddler Road.

January 10: regulation (2018-09) regarding the budget and taxation for the 2019 fiscal year.


December 17: minor derogation (2018-124) for the property located at 8, lac Fiddler Road.

November 21: special meeting of Council to be held on December 5, 2018 regarding the adoption of the budget for the fiscal year 2019.

November 21: minor derogation (2018-123) for the property located at 10, Bonheur Road.

November 21: minor derogation (2018-122) for the property located at 203, Dainava Road.

November 21: minor derogation (2018-121) for the property located at 1032, Tamaracouta Road.

November 21: minor derogation (2018-120) for the property located at 10, Cardinal Road.

November 21: minor derogation (2018-119) for the property located at 8, Bonheur Lac Fiddler Road.

November 21: minor derogation (2018-118) for the property located at 180, Benny Road.

November 9: regulation (2018-05) regarding a borrowing by-law.

September 20: triennal assessment role of the Municipality of Mille-Isles.

September 19: minor derogation (2018-114) for the property located at 202, Anne Road East.

September 11: registration procedure.

September 11: regulation (2018-08) code of ethics and professional conduct.

August 23: minor derogation (2018-113) for the property located at 38, Roux Road.

July 26: public tender No. SSI201802-051B for tenders for the supply of a mini pump type vehicle dedicated to firefighting (french only).

July 26: public tender No. SSI201802-051A for tender for the supply of a mini rescue vehicle dedicated to firefighting (french only).

July 26: public tender No. TP201807-108 for construction works (french only).

June 20: minor derogation (2018-112) for the property located at 15, montée du Pont-Bleu.

June 20: minor derogation (2018-109) for the property located on lot 3 208 508 of the Quebec cadaster.

May 23: minor derogation (2018-111) for the property located at 40, Roux Road.

May 23: minor derogation (2018-110) for the property located on lot 6244 446 of the Quebec cadaster, located on Bonheur Road.

May 14: regulation (2018-04) establishing a three year inspection program for sealed tanks.

May 14: regulation (2018-03) regarding the system of periodic emptying of septic tanks on the territory of the municipality of Mille-Isles.

April 18: minor derogation (2018-108) for the property located on lot 3 208 514 of the Quebec cadaster.

April 18: minor derogation (2018-107) for the property located at 158, Benny Road.

April 18: minor derogation (2018-106) for the property located at 40, Roux Road.

March 20: minor derogation (2018-105) for the property located at 752, Tamaracouta Road.

March 20: minor derogation (2018-104) for the property located at 23, Lys Road West.

March 15: promulgation of by-laws.

January 11: regulation (2017-06) regarding the budget and taxation for the 2018 fiscal year.